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Behavior Support


Ms. Patrice Lisbon

Behavior Intervention Specialist (Gen Ed.) 

School Year 24-25


Greetings Morrow Middle School Bobcats! I am proud to serve as your Behavior Intervention Specialist. In this capacity, I support students and teachers of students who are exhibiting behavior difficulties that cannot be handled through normal classroom procedures. I work with individuals or groups in order to facilitate positive and healthy behavior. Furthermore, I  support Morrow by conducting classroom observations, reviewing/analyzing  discipline data, recommending and teaching appropriate social emotional and behavioral skills. Lastly, I provide positive behavior supports and facilitate or initiate referrals to other alternative programs to decrease office discipline referrals and suspensions. 

My office is Room #1408. Feel free to stop by on Wednesdays. I look forward to an amazing school year!

Parent Behavior Resource Toolkit

Teacher Behavior Toolkit

--DPI Resource Hub